Help your daughter understand her cycles and embrace her feminine body.
 (even if you're unsure how to go about it!)


Our Mothers of (Pre) Teens online course will give your daughter a complete picture of female fertility that respects her unique, feminine dignity.

It is designed to foster open, trusting communication on this intimate topic.


In 10 short and engaging video lessons, you can teach her at your own pace, at the right time.

Please note: 
Our online course is NOT a sex-ed program. We do not discuss contraceptives or contraceptive use, nor do we provide information on pregnancy prevention and sexual behaviors.

As a mom, you are probably worried about the ideas your daughter will be exposed to about what it means to become a woman.


Like many moms, you want your daughter to know the facts.


But you may feel unsure of how to start the conversation, and afraid that you don’t know enough or that you'll say the wrong thing.

Moms like you have told us they didn’t have the support they needed as girls and teens, and felt scared and alone during puberty. 


We know you want your daughter to have a different experience—an empowering one where she can:


• Learn accurate information,

• Feel healthy, in control, and beautiful, 

• Have open conversations with you,

• Receive age-appropriate guidance, and

• Know she can come to you first with questions.


If you feel like all of this describes you...

The Mothers of (Pre)Teens course is your answer.


For $125 USD you can access the most complete, age-appropriate, and engaging online course available for moms to teach their daughters about their cycles, how to be prepared and healthy.

When you join, you will have 12 months of access to just what your daughter needs right now:

10 short and fun videos to watch together that cover:

• Puberty: What changes in my body and why?


• The design of my body from the inside out 


• How I feel and manage my cycles and my life
• Being prepared and being healthy

4 colorful PDF guides:

1. A Step-by-Step plan for going through the course,
2. The Science of Fertility reference guide  
3. A guide on Managing your Periods
4. A guide to Seeing a Doctor: Why and when, how to prepare, and how to find one that will treat you and your daughter with dignity and respect

Access to a private Facebook community

This is a place where you can be a part of a global community of moms like you. Here, we invite moms to share their thoughts and questions, and get support from our team and other moms who have a shared vision for their daughters.


A section for moms with a PDF Guide about 7 key roadblocks and concerns and a recorded webinar about the science of the cycle
I'm ready! I want to join!

Here is a sample of the videos that address the science, health, and purpose of the cycle:


Would you like to see the curriculum? 

View what each video covers.


What the

experts say

about the


Our research shows that without proper information and support during puberty, many girls feel ashamed and fearful of their periods, resentful of their fertility, and needlessly suffer through painful cycles—believing that all of this is simply their "lot in life" as women.

Natural Womanhood developed the Mothers of (Pre) Teens online course to flip this script by informing and empowering moms like you to raise our next generation of young women to be happy, healthy, and comfortable in their female bodies.


What others moms are saying about the course

Would you like to join hundreds of other moms who have decided that it was time to break the cycle of ignorance about puberty, periods, and fertility, and give their daughter the gift of knowing the wonderful truth about their distinctly female bodies?

When you join our course, know that you'll be in good company and fully supported on this journey. 

Because, in reality, it's so much more than a course. It’s a community that cares about helping their daughters grow into healthy and happy young women, empowered by their femininity.


$125 USD

Immediate Access for 12 months to:

âť‹ 10 Mom-Daughter Videos

âť‹ 4 Guides

âť‹ Access to Facebook Community

❋ Bonus


Further information and FAQ


Natural Womanhood

exists because all women deserve to appreciate their natural fertility as beautiful, powerful, and healthy. Since our founding, we've aimed to help moms raise teen daughters who understand their bodies, are comfortable with their cycles, and appreciate the gift of their fertility. 

You don’t need to be a scientist or a professional educator to empower your daughter with knowledge of her cycles. You're your daughter's best teacher!Â